Moshi Moshi

Thanks for stopping by to check out what I'm working on! Drop me a line if you want to be put on a mailing list for 'Invincible' or 'Unexpected Comfort'. I promise, I DO mean to finish them. I've been working really hard on 'Unexpected Comfort' lately and will pick up work on 'Invincible' in the very near future(when school is back in session).


Chapter 8 is still in the works. It's coming to me in bits and pieces and none of them in order. So its been slow going with a lot of scrolling and a lot of adding and moving and page formatting (that I really hope I don't have to redo). Currently up to 6 pages with 2500 words, there's going to be at least 12 pages and 5-6k words, depends on the formatting I wind up using.