Moshi Moshi

Thanks for stopping by to check out what I'm working on! Drop me a line if you want to be put on a mailing list for 'Invincible' or 'Unexpected Comfort'. I promise, I DO mean to finish them. I've been working really hard on 'Unexpected Comfort' lately and will pick up work on 'Invincible' in the very near future(when school is back in session).

…This is a triumph…

Okay, so I’ve got the edits for chapter 1 completed and now I just need to go in and fix it all up. I added in some MUCH needed dialog that ‘kasey’ suggested be added. (That sentence makes no sense to me…)

It might be a couple days yet before any post is made. Sorry, but I’m sick with the ‘Miss Piggy’ flu, as my 7 yr old says. I can barely stay awake long enough to get my kids to/from the bus stop, much less sit in-front of a computer for an hour to add in my paper edits.

Have a great morning all!