Moshi Moshi

Thanks for stopping by to check out what I'm working on! Drop me a line if you want to be put on a mailing list for 'Invincible' or 'Unexpected Comfort'. I promise, I DO mean to finish them. I've been working really hard on 'Unexpected Comfort' lately and will pick up work on 'Invincible' in the very near future(when school is back in session).

Fage8 - Soul Mates

Hey everyone! Fage8 was posted last week and you can find my submission on;

FanFiction @
Wattpad @
AO3 @


I signed up to do the FAGE007 this year. I'm quite proud of myself! This is the first time I've done a gift fic AND I did it in a style I've never written in. 

My Beta and a close friend of mine both seemed to like it and what I did with it. It's just a one shot and only 7 pages and about 3k word count. I've definitely written much longer chapters for my main fic than that, but I was pleased with where I ended it. 

I have left it open for more parts to it, but I will wait to really work on any sequels until the posting day for FAGE007, which is in only 7 days!! So keep your eyes out for my gift fic to StarshotFourteen titled "Dancing With Myself". I'll link it once it's published.