I never would have guessed that moving would have me so busy during the day. I mean, it's been about 6 months since my family and I moved, granted, I've got kids to take care, food to cook, laundry to do, a part-time job and a kid to take/pick-up from school 5 days a week, but I really thought I'd have a little more free-time. And then there's the sever bouts of writers block and general "could give a shit"ness, but there's nothin' to do about that now.
Something else I wanna try and get done is some art work! I need to track down a picture of Lucius' cane.... I also need to track down the pen to my wacom tablet!! Grrr.... I need a new one of those!! The buttons got pushed in by my two-year-old... cry I could always use the mouse for the tablet, but that just makes it difficult to use, I'd be better off using my regular mouse... or the touch pad on my laptop.
So, one of the writing issues I'm having right now is an added scene of Harry and Liam meeting for the first time. I'm not sure how much to add. I'd like to cover the added/modified wards he places and I was thinking of adding a change of residence for Harry and the Dursley family. Maybe move them to Ireland and the Evan's Manor. Need to come up with a name for Harry's grandparents (on both sides). Does anyone know what James' parents names were? If JKR gave them names, I'd like to stick to them, but I'm not above coming up with my own.
Okay, I'd should call this post quits! I have more writing to do and some stuff around the house to do too. And I have to go pick up the ankle bitter from school in 20 min. Ughhh....